Part II Physics

Part II Physics at Cavendish Laboratory

Core modules

Advanced Quantum Physics

Thermal and Statistical Physics

Electrodynamics and Optics

General Relativity

Optional courses

Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics

Particle and Nuclear Physics

Quantum Condensed Matter Physics

Further work modules

Theoretical Physics 1

Theoretical Physics 2

Computational Physics

possibly useful stuff:

  • cheatsheets to most exam papers I’ve taken
  • rather concise solutions to TP1 example sheets
  • diagrams, here and there, for relativity
  • Nice detailed solutions to TP2 sheets
  • some Feynman diagrams
  • computational physics quick sketch notes. I promise almost everything useful in the course is included in these (in messy ways). This will not help anyone learn the course but you will see whether there’s a point of going to the lectures
  • rants