Particle and Nuclear Physics

Particle and Nuclear Physics


  • Course website including everything.

  • The recommended textbook Introduction to High Energy Physics, J Perkins which provides so much more detail both physical and mathematical than the lectures.

  • If you want to draw nice Feynman diagrams for notes, example sheets etc. this Feynman diagrams web application ( github) is probably the best possible tool. Here are 36 examples produced by this app. Also check out, which creates diagram labels with more ease. It certainly encouraged me to draw much more diagrams than I would with the GUI app. 22 examples.

    package vertex positioning desirable output in $\leq 2$ minutes curved arrows gui
    feynmf/feynmp freeze never
    tikz-feynman virtual vertices never
    feynman tikz-like always
    tikz coordinates occasional

    Generally (from my experience at least) if you only care about topological features of feynman diagrams feynmp is the quickest to get something understandable but ugly, whereas Aivazis’s feynman makes things as simple as drawing straight lines.

Example Sheets

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